BETTINA NEWBERY    Digital Studio   

2023 revamp of UP & DOWN MEDIA®

Our story

UP & DOWN MEDIA® was founded in 2001, since when we built websites, strategies and social media campaigns for 100+ clients.

We continue to help brands and start-ups to discover and express their unique point of sale to reach and engage with visitors, and as a result, turning them into loyal customers.

What we did

In 2017, we created a fully mobile friendly and easy-on-the-eye website as - demostrating our digital skills - alongside our Boutique Art Agency.

In 2023, we decided, to run both sites, BettinaNewbery.DIGITAL and BettinaNewbery.ART in parallel - this is the story of BettinaNewbery.DIGITAL

HOME page


HOME page - iPhone
PROJECT detail page

PROJECT portfolio


FAQ page